Eternal Works Blog


Written by Kimberlie Williams | Jul 4, 2018 3:15:00 PM

Video marketing has flourished primarily due to the demand of consumers. In recent years, people have shown higher and higher responsiveness to videos on along their journey to becoming customers. This has made businesses worldwide quickly adapt to meet their needs. Video marketing is especially critical in tech, where customers often need visuals, thorough explanations, and demos to make their final purchase decision.

While we've discussed what types of videos every IT company should have and how videos can help tech companies acquire customers, we’ll move onto some tips that will give your video marketing that final push into making a connection with your target customers.


1. Video Placement

Posting videos on social media isn’t enough. Videos should be placed where they are relevant. For example, a brief demo video on a software product page can often be used to give potential customers a better idea of how it works. That same brief demo video could later be used on an offer page. In this case, the demo video would be used as a preview to entice consumers into downloading a longer demo of your tech in action in exchange for their contact information. This way your company can follow-up if they don’t end up getting a subscription. Customers always want to try before they buy and videos can help convey, for example, whether a user interface appeals to them or not. If it’s clunky and awkward, or the text is too small, that can be a major turn off. 

Even if you created a video for a specific blog, reposting the video clip with content of a related subject matter could also help rack up views. Be careful not to go overboard though. Be respectful and only post your videos where they are welcome. This includes your website and groups or forums frequented by your customers-- that is, if they welcome promotion or helpful content. Being blacklisted from various Facebook groups is not a good look. Also, don’t post them too often. Instead, look at what videos resonated best with your customers each week and think of how to repurpose each video a month from its release. Where can you post it so it can get even more hits? 


2. Don’t Move People to Another Platform

Your videos should be on the same platform as your intended audience. If you posted your video on Instagram, don’t try to move people there from LinkedIn. People are inherently uncomfortable when it comes to being moved to an entirely different platform. Often they are on a particular platform because it is a comfort zone and they are only interested in sharing content from that specific site.


3. Promote Your Company Brand Positioning

What sets your tech apart from the competition? You should go beyond showing off your products in your videos, but also your brand positioning. What are the strengths of your tech offerings? If your software helps minimize costs for businesses better than most of your competitors, make that a selling point in your videos. Create video testimonials of cost savings from happy customers.



4. Promote Your Company Culture

Your videos should also convey the culture of your tech company. If you’re a company who prides itself on efficiency and results, then your videos should convey that. Show off what your company has done through statistics, charts, case studies, and customer testimonial videos. If you’re a company with a friendly, flexible atmosphere that encourages an open dialogue with your customer. A warm and cheerful employee engaging in a live stream that encourages customer opinions and creates a two-way dialogue by giving feedback would help convey that. 

Though it may not seem like much, things like this can often make a huge difference in conveying who your company is to your potential customers and creating a connection with them. In this case, the goal of your video should be to give anyone who comes across it the feeling that they’ve walked into a physical store version of your business. This will help your company attract a community of like-minded individuals who are specifically looking for what your business has to offer.


5. Keep Up with The Trends

Currently, top video marketing trends include virtual reality, augmented reality, and live video. Virtual reality helps customers transport customers to different locations or even entirely made-up worlds, making it highly applicable to the gaming industry. Augmented Reality allows digital imagery to be added to footage in the real world. This is often used for interior design companies so that customers can have a solid visualization of how that table they’ve been eying would look in their dining area.

Live video is also extremely popular. New tech reveals can be done through live video because it encourages more engagement. Viewers feel a deeper connection, especially when the person running the live reads and responds to their comments. They feel heard and that they’re making a difference. Vlogging, or video blogs, are also particularly useful if your company utilizes influencers who use your tech.


6. Analyzing Video Metrics for Improvement

You’ll also want to observe how your videos are doing beyond the views. Is the content being shared? How many people are actually watching your videos all the way to the end? These videos should be boosting your brand awareness and sales, so an overall growth beyond your followers and website visits should slowly be apparent during a successful video marketing campaign.

If a lot of people are clicking a particular video but tuning out, that’s a clear sign the subject matter of the video interests them, but something about the video is turning them off. Maybe the video is too long. People often prefer shorter videos that are 1-2 minutes long. Maybe the content in the video isn’t what people were expecting. People could be clicking a video for an explanation on what machine learning is, but instead all they’re getting is how your machine learning is used your tech. An video title that conveys its content accurately is key to earning trust. 

Analyzing the results is crucial to improvement and it’s definitely a trial-and-error process. Sometimes glancing at the comment section or similar videos by competitors can give your company an idea of how to improve.