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Web Design

Beautifully Crafted
Data-Driven Web Design

Business owners need strategy-driven websites that deliver real results. Too many "web designers" are building good looking sites that don't convert traffic to leads. Maybe we're crazy, but we think if you're going to invest in a website, it should look good AND make you money. Don't you?

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Having a working website is very basic - a great website extends beyond simply being functional.

What makes a
good website?

Every website is not created equal. Some are made better.

Nearly anyone, even those with limited tech knowledge, can follow instructions and build a simple site. But it's clear that not every website is created equal. Some are successful and some just don't work.

Your website should be a rich educational resource, a deep well of knowledge that answers visitor's questions and helps them solve their problems. This will help build authority and trust, which is exactly what people are looking for when they want to connect with a brand.

To do this your site should:

An effective website will gather information, streamline some of your processes, and teach you what your customers respond to so that you can better cater to their needs.

How to make
a successful website.


You already have the secret ingredient. Your customers! Taking a closer look at your right-fit customers and determining their buyer’s journey or path-to-purchase should help determine your website needs.

We put your customers and target audience at the center of everything we do by building the site for them.

Buyer Personas

Why put customers at the center of web design

By doing this, we can:

  • Attract the right people to your website
  • Understand the questions your potential customers are asking
  • Understand what types of content your visitors want to consume
  • Understand where your visitors are spending their time
  • Improve your site over time
  • Understand how to convert your visitors to leads
  • Understand how to create raving fans aka customers who refer business to you

Buyer Personas

Why put customers at the center of web design

By doing this, we can:

  • Define your brand and key customer personas
  • Design a site that appeals to your most profitable customers
  • Define messaging that connects with your target audience
  • Write content (blogs, videos, ebooks, etc) specific to your audience
  • Optimize the site to convert traffic to leads
  • Build conversion funnels to capture leads
  • Use automation to qualify and nurture leads moving them through the buyer’s journey
  • Determine the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and drive traffic
  • Do more of what’s working based on data-driven insights


How To Make
A Website.


We’ve built a lot of websites over the last 20 years and discovered that there’s a right way to build a website and a wrong way to build a website. Planning upfront will save you dollars and heartache down the road. Executing on a defined strategy is the fastest way to success. Don’t skip steps.

Following these steps will ensure that we deliver the results you're looking for.

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Let's Get Growing

Get the strategy you need to grow and reach your goals. Download one of our free guides to get you started knowing our team is here to help you if you need it. 

Ready to get started? Schedule a call.

9 Questions Your Prospects Want Answers To

Download the 9 Questions Your Prospects Want You To Answer.

An Introduction to Growth Driven Design

Download "An Intro To GDD" To Learn How To Get Better Website Results Faster.

Request a free website audit

Request A Free Audit To Find Out How To Make Your Website Better.

Growth Agency Vs. A
Traditional Agency

We can draw a direct line from our efforts to your revenue growth.

ROI is important for every business and purchasing a website shouldn’t be any different. It’s a business investment, so it should make you money. We build every website with the growth of your business in mind AND we can track it.

As a growth agency:

  • We build data-driven campaigns
  • We focus on results
  • We help you close deals faster
  • We’re your growth partner
At Eternal Works, we can draw a direct line from our efforts to your business's revenue growth.

We Build The Types Of Websites That Help Your Business Grow.

We can draw a direct line from our efforts to your revenue growth.

Depending on your business, you may need to build different types of websites. Each type of website has a specific function and can help you reach a specific business goal. Here are a few of the types of sites we've built.


Responsive Web Design

With much of today's web traffic using mobile devices, it's important that your website looks great in every form. A responsive website is a site that automatically adjusts to the device and browser your visitor is using.

Growth-Driven Design

A traditional website redesign can be a long and frustrating process, but growth-driven design focuses on adapting your website continuously based on data and analysis.

Website Redesigns

Ideally, websites should be redesigned every two or three years. Redesigning your website can help you keep up with changing trends in both design and functionality.

Ecommerce Sites

Ecommerce websites are built to sell products and provide customers with user-friendly shopping experience.

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You don't have to decide between a website that looks good and a website that works well - you can have both! It's important to build a site that focuses on delivering results while telling your brand's unique story.

Web Design

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

We have a clear understanding of what to do and what to avoid to deliver the best results. There are a number of steps to design a successful website. We’ve included some of them below:

What We Do Beautiful, fast, secure websites that meet your business goals


  • Brand Analysis
  • Brand Positioning
  • Keyword Research
  • Persona Development
  • User Experience (UX)


  • Calls-To-Action
  • Offers & Conversion Tools
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Landing Pages & Funnels
  • Retargeting
  • User Interface Design (UI)


  • Marketing Automation
  • Lead Nurturing
  • RSS Feeds
  • Chatbots
  • Email Marketing
  • Personalization
  • Video Content


  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Blogging Video Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing


  • Sales Enablement
  • Ecommerce
  • CRM Integration
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment

Designing A Great User Experience

simply SOlve user problems & reach business goals

Your website is usually the first interaction someone has with your brand. When a visitor lands on your website for the first time, you only have a few seconds during which they decide they want to stay and explore your site or leave (bounce rate).

So you need to focus on grabbing their attention from the moment they arrive. Great user experience focuses on a user-centric design that's easy to understand and navigate, so it's simple for people to find the information they're looking for.

To create a great user experience, you must have empathy. Imagine you're a customer arriving on your site for the first time. Navigate through your pages as they would and ask yourself these questions.


  • Does it load quickly?
  • Is your site confusing at all?
  • Does it respond properly to user input?
  • Can users easily identify the goal of each page?
  • Does your messaging come across clearly throughout your website?
  • Is the information you provide user-centric?


All of these elements put together make up a great user experience that makes your website enjoyable to use.

Brand Storytelling
+ Copywriting



To create a great user experience, you must have empathy. Imagine you're a customer arriving on your site for the first time. Navigate through your pages as they would and ask yourself these questions.


  • Does it load quickly?
  • Is your site confusing at all?
  • Does it respond properly to user input?
  • Can users easily identify the goal of each page?
  • Does your messaging come across clearly throughout your website?
  • Is the information you provide user-centric?


All of these elements put together make up a great user experience that makes your website enjoyable to use.

We Use the Best CMS Solution For Your Website

Here are the CMS solutions we regularly use:

Using a content management system (CMS) to build your website makes updating your website easy. With so many options out there, picking the right platform may pose some challenges.

Don’t worry, we can help you pick the CMS platform that aligns closest with your goals and what you’re trying to accomplish with your website.

Business Growth


HubSpot wrote the book on inbound marketing and continues to develop tools that help your business with sales, marketing, and customer service. Their CMS easily integrates with the other business solutions you use regularly to create a nice business ecosystem.

Content Management


WordPress is the most widely-used CMS in the world, and for good reason. WordPress makes it easy to manage and update your website once it’s built.



Shopify is the leader in e-commerce CMS platforms. They are focused on e-commerce which makes them the perfect fit if you need to create an online store for your business. They understand what business owners need to help their online shops thrive.

The best CMS solutions make it easy for you to manage
and scale your website as your business grows.

Align your website
to your brand


Align your website to your brand

Most often your website is the first place a prospect will interact with your company’s brand. It’s important that they leave that experience with the right feelings and emotions about your business, your teams, your products, and your services.

To ensure your website is aligned with your brand, you should:


  • Have a clearly defined brand strategy
  • Have clearly defined brand guidelines
  • Have goals that align your brand with your target audience


Your web design team should have the knowledge, skill, and experience to align your brand experience at every touchpoint.

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How much does
a website cost?

How much should I budget
to redesign our website?

When budgeting for a website it’s important to know what things have the most impact on the cost. Our website design services start at $4,000. However, most of our sites range between $10,000 and $25,000. To get a better idea of how to manage cost here’s a short list of items that are likely to affect the price of your site:


  • The number of pages your site requires
  • The number of unique page designs required
  • If your site requires ecommerce or the ability to process transactions
  • The number of custom features your site needs
  • Integrating your site with business software
  • Hosting and security requirements

While there are many other drivers to website cost, the more requirements and customization your website needs, the more you will need to budget.

To get a better understanding of the budget for your project you should schedule a discovery call. Click here to schedule a call now | Click here to learn more about budgeting for a website.

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A Site That Supports Your Business, Integrates With Your Business Systems.


Many of the most popular platforms for your website will integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM) software and the other tools your business uses regularly like your calendar/scheduling, social media management, and form/lead management tools.

When all your tools are integrated, you'll be able to seamlessly create workflows to streamline data and processes without needing to switch between platforms.

A truly great website is a site that not only focuses on creating an awesome customer experience, but also integrates with the systems you already use, making your operations more efficient.


Will My Site Follow
Web Accessibility

accessisbility solutions


26% of adults in the United States have some type of disability. Novice web designers and freelancers often overlook accessibility when designing a site, however accessibility is extremely important to us. Everyone deserves a great experience on the web.

We use third party tools to scan your site for any accessibility issues, like text size, font, colors, missing alt text, etc. It’s important that all your site visitors have an excellent experience with your company online.

A significant portion of Americans have a disability that could affect their ability to browse the web, so it's important to cater to all potential customers.

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How Will
Redesigning My
Website Impact My SEO?


Unfortunately, we hear this question a lot. Our motto when it comes to SEO is definitely - do no harm. In fact, our goal is to improve your SEO in the web redesign process. We follow best practices and stay abreast of industry trends to do just that.

Our SEO experts do an audit of your SEO to benchmark your current efforts and examine ranking, authority, keywords, etc. to uncover opportunities. We’ll use this audit to uncover your site’s content needs, complete on-page SEO for your new website, and make sure that nothing technical is missed.

If you have questions about our SEO process, feel free to ask a question in chat.

(We have a guarantee about improving results that kind of covers this too)


Should We Redesign The Site While Rebranding Our Company?


Our opinion is yes, you should redesign your website while you are updating your branding. It’s common for you to answer questions that will inform the team working on your rebrand and the team working on your website.

Here are a few examples of information that can overlap:


  • Brand Attributes
  • Customer Personas
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Style Guidelines

How Much Time Will This Take Me
& My Team?


It's important to remember that website redesigns take time. There will be strategy meetings, content development, interviews with key members of your team, and more, all of which can take weeks of planning.

After that, the actual design may need feedback from your team, collaboration, or assets that you need to provide. When we discuss your website redesign, we can come up with a target timeline that works for you.


Be The Industry Leader. Not A Follower.


Our goal is to build you a website that shows you off as a thought leader in your industry. It's important that your content strategy reflects your expertise and knowledge.

Our ebook, The 9 Questions, outlines the core questions that every consumer needs answers to. It's important to focus on being a leader rather than a follower, and your website should always be focused on providing information, resources and education. There's a formula to success. Let's use it on your website.

If your website isn't helping your business grow, you're maybe out on serious money. If you want a website that's a stunning, user-friendly money-making machine, contact us to get started today.


An agency that will grow with you!!! Give them a shot!!! "Tim is one of the best at what he does. He gets results for his clients by looking at the data and making adjustments along the way. His company is setup for companies that want to grow. I know because he is one of my exclusive partners in my business that I refer/favorably introduce too for results. Lastly, he is a TRUE GIVER in business and life. You want him and his business to be part of your network."

Arnel Tanyag
Tanyag & Associates