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10 Ways To Increase Sales With Your Website


Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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10 Ways To Increase Sales With Your Website


Getting more visitors to your website to increase sales remains a constant marketing objective for most businesses. But how do you do this when consumers have several options at their disposal? The answer is to make your brand stand out. You can do this by optimizing your website for SEO as often as possible. If you don't know what SEO is, it simply stands for Search Engine Optimization.  The process increases traffic to a website and positions it in the first list of results generated by search engines like Google.

When your website's content and layout are optimized, traffic will increase, and you will rank higher on Google. A higher ranking will ultimately lead to increased leads and better conversion.

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Below are some actionable tips that will help you increase sales:

Display your top product on your homepage

Overwhelming visitors with multiple products on their first click is not a good idea. Consider displaying your top product with more copies. This strategy will allow your company to zero in on one or two specific products while answering any visitors' queries.


Sell yourself clearly on your homepage

Visitors should understand your value proposition and how they will benefit from your products/services on their first click.


Use testimonials, associations, and case studies

Social proof is vital for your business growth. How else are new visitors going to ascertain the benefits of your products/services? Things like testimonials from your clients, pictures of your staff, and case studies about your products/services will cement your credibility and hence generate new leads.


Create content that targets specific market segments

Everyone wants to work with an expert. Creating quality content with specialization in different market segments sets you apart as an authority. The leverage will allow you to show your expertise in various industries, thereby drawing in additional customers.


Incorporate videos into your key conversion pages

In recent times, content creation is leaning towards the use of videos. Videos engage people, keeping them on your website longer, giving you more time to convince them to purchase from you.


Find ways to capture email addresses

Email marketing is still a very viable digital marketing strategy and produces a high ROI. You can create opportunities to capture visitors' email addresses through email marketing campaigns.


Incorporate upselling on your website

 Studies have shown that upselling is more effective than cross-selling online. It would be best to display more attractive and premium offers alongside your entry-level products. Chances are, some clients will be interested.


Consider setting up conversion tracking

Monitoring your conversions will help you know where potential clients are coming from and what works to drive the sales of your website. You can track conversions by having different phone numbers for different landing pages.  This way, you can map out your potential leads.


Install live chat

Direct communication will enable you to connect with your website visitors and convert them into potential clients before leaving your site.


Consider Guest Posting

In addition to creating amazing content for your site, take time and write for someone else's website. Guest posting can quickly boost your traffic as you will be tapping into an entirely new audience. You need to network and create a relationship with someone in your field.



There's no doubt these tips will help you increase your sales. However, you should be aware of the four reasons why your website may not be generating enough sales.


4. You’re not focusing your offer enough

When you try to reach everybody, in the end, you don’t reach anybody. If you already have an offer but it’s not focused enough, it won’t provide value to your clients or prospects. You have to define your clients, the people that would love to buy your products or services.


3. Getting more traffic alone does not generate more sales.

Solely relying on getting more traffic will not cut it.  It would help if you incorporated a solid web sales strategy to convert potential leads to clients. You can do this by making your SEO and advertising part of your overall website strategy. Carefully plan and execute a robust sales funnel to get your visitors coming back for more.


2. Your web visitors have no reasons to contact you

Think of ways to incentivize your web visitors to reach out. Precise lead magnets can help you get the email addresses of your web visitors. Have tools in place to enable sales interaction with potential customers. Demonstrate your expertise and abilities by offering your tools and resources, thereby increasing your website's possible ROI.


1. You're forgetting to invest time in building relationships.

Sometimes people need more convincing. This is where nurturing comes in. You can set up a series of automated emails that will help convince potential clients to choose your products/services.


Key Takeaways

Don't just focus on increasing traffic to your website. It would be best to incorporate a solid sales funnel strategy to capture and nurture visitors into buyers. You should expect good returns from your website investment and be able to convert your website browsers into buyers! Download this guide to learn why your website is not generating sales and, hopefully, turn things around for you and your company.


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