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Let's Talk



Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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Are you wondering if your site is overdue for an update? This blog post outlines some clear signs to help you decide.

Your website is your company's best sales tool. Even if only because it's available 24 hours and seven days a week. An outdated site is like a sleazy salesperson. It can damage your brand and cost you sales.

Check out these warning signs to see if it's time to redesign your site.


Your Products and Services have changed.

It's common for businesses to update or completely change their products and services. As customer needs change, companies adjust their services to accommodate. 


Your site looks outdated.

According to Stanford University, 75% of people judge a company's credibility based on its website design. Your website is the chief cornerstone of all of your digital marketing efforts.  

Just like haircuts, fashion, décor, and things go in and out of style. You can't afford to neglect your website for long without your audience noticing you're rocking five-year-old CSS design trends.


Outdated Industry information.

If you want your prospects to see you as an industry expert, then keeping your content up to date is not optional. 

As a bonus, you can rank higher in google by providing timely, quality content.  


Your average session time is low.

Session times reveal how long the average user stays on your site. Tracking your average session time is a great way to determine if your content is engaging.

Good session times average between two to three minutes.


Your site has a high bounce rate.

Your bounce rate is an excellent way to see if your visitors are getting what they expected from your website.  

If your website does not appear to answer the question they typed into search, they will leave your site without taking any action. If visitors do this in under three seconds, it counts as a bounce.

Try to keep your bounce rate under 55% on the core pages of your site. Expect the bounce rate on your blog post to be under 90%.


Your site isn't generating enough leads.

If your website is not generating hundreds of thousands of dollars for your business, then you are doing it wrong.

Your website should be actively bringing new quality visitors to your website and converting them to leads.

If your website is not bringing you new business, then you have a massive opportunity to explore.

Does your site answer the questions your prospects need answers to buy from you?


Your site is hard to update without a developer's help.

Your website should feel alive. It should always be growing and changing.  

New content, images, video, blogs, landing pages, and product pages should be added to your site regularly.  

Updates are often never made because it takes knowing how to code to do most, if not all, of the changes.


Your site uses too much company jargon.

Talking about how long you have been in business, your years of experience, or how many cups of coffee your team has does not tell a visitor how you solve their problem.  

Your website content should focus more on how you help your customer. Not your company's biography.


Your site has a low conversion rate.

If your website does not generate one to two leads for every hundred visitors, you have a conversion rate optimization issue.

There are several reasons that your site may not convert traffic to leads. We created this free eBook, "A Beginners Guide To Conversion Optimization," to help you design a website that converts traffic to leads.


Your site doesn't connect with your ideal buyers.

I'm not sure who said it first, but this quote remains true. "If you market to everyone, then you market to no one."

Use words that they commonly use. Create content that shows you understand who they are.


Your site doesn't answer consumers' most common questions.

Your visitors should know whom you help within the first three seconds of visiting your website. If they don't know, they will not buy from you.

Your site should address their specific problems and concerns. If you aren't sure where to begin, download our free guide that covers the nine questions your prospects want you to answer

Studies have proven that users will judge your business based on how they feel about your website. Is it well designed, is the content helpful, and does it address their concerns? Does your site make them feel like it is safe to buy from you? 

If your company's website doesn't address all of these issues well, then it is time for a redesign.