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4 Best email marketing software in 2022 [Email Best Practices Guide]


Picture of Ashlie Jones
Written by Ashlie Jones
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The internet is awash with many email marketing tools that promise stellar results. Narrowing down through the clutter to a perfect solution can be challenging even for seasoned marketers. 


Top Email Marketing Software For Your Company

Don't worry. In this blog, we've done your homework by highlighting the top 4 best email marketing tools that deliver. Read on to unearth some of their key benefits and features. 


1. HubSpot

HubSpot is a leading behemoth in the industry. Its integration within a CRM makes it stand out and provide immense benefits. Plus, you get access to a free CRM and can enjoy a plethora of additional tools apart from email marketing.

Skyrocket your engagement game now. The integration with CRM gives you access to valuable contact insights to help you deliver highly personalized messages your recipients will love. The result is increased open and click rates.

With HubSpot, creating email marketing campaigns and beautiful templates is a breeze. Thanks to an intuitive drag and drop editor, there's no need for IT and design gurus. Tailoring your formats, adding calls-to-action and pictures, and modifying content are just a few clicks away.

Poor email delivery is among the key reasons for email marketing failures. HubSpot takes this issue away. The software scores big regarding deliverability, so don't fear that the email clients will bury them in spam folders. Also, you can schedule your emails in advance, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business uninterrupted.

HubSpot also understand that customer and business data security is crucial in any company. That's why they engage top-in-class data center providers to help you stay ahead of data regulation and maintain customer trust.

With this powerful engine, you can easily align your email marketing strategy with customer service, sales, and marketing strategies. 

HubSpot email interface

HubSpot email interface.

2. MailChimp

MailChimp is among the best email marketing software that seldom disappoints regarding creating regular and other email campaigns. To prove this, you can test-drive it using their free account that supports up to 2,000 email subscribers.  

It also offers a drag-and-drop feature to take the stress away from designing impressive templates. But if you have coding skills and desire to put them to task, they offer an email builder. You can also get a creative assistant to take full advantage of this builder. 

Your subject lines will hugely determine your emails' click-through rates. In fact, if people aren't opening your emails, the culprit is most likely your subject lines. MailChimp's Subject Line Helper helps you attract interest among readers and deliver highly-personalized, click-worthy content. 

Automation is the boon of getting more customers and nurturing relationships without sweating. MailChimp is excellent at delivering more relevant messages with behavior-based automated journeys. Their Customer Journey Builder has proved powerful in delivering highly engaging emails that convert. 

MailChimp's delivery rate is among the highest in this industry since they are experts in handling all the technical stuff of email deliverability. So expect a higher return on your efforts (oh, and money) without worrying about the dreadful spam boxes. 

Plus, their Reports help you turn insights into results. You get to know what's working and use Click Maps to drill down to where readers clicked, allowing you to tweak your emails for tremendous success. 


3. Constant Contact

Are you a greenhorn in email or digital marketing? Constant Contact's easy-to-use email editor and pre-designed templates will turn you into a pro overnight, even if you are an email marketing newbie

It's best for non-profit organizations and small businesses looking to grow their audiences faster. The software comes with excellent tools like social ads, text-to-join, and Lead Generation Landing Pages to help you grow your contact list and skyrocket engagement painlessly.

Constant Contact also allows integration with many other tools, some of which are already in your arsenal. No more wasting time juggling between dispersed tools.

You can easily access and use all these features from their intuitive interface. But in case of any issue, their customer care representatives are ever online and a phone call away. 


4. AWeber

AWeber coming last doesn't mean we have demeaned it. In fact, all its plans gift you access to every feature. The only thing that changes with the packages is the number of subscribers you can email.  

The software has robust marketing solutions to grow your audience: Web push notifications, landing page builder, email automation, and e-commerce pages. What's more, you can reach your goals faster at a fraction of its competitors' costs. The software also does a great job of providing A/B testing capabilities to help you optimize your emails. 

You can choose a suitable pre-built template from its storehouse and customize your landing pages to your customers' preferences. The tool's drag-and-drop editor allows you to get online in no time. 

And what about its delivery rates? Excellent. Everything (end-to-end) is under their technical staff's control to ensure your juicy emails land into the right inboxes. 

Furthermore, you're just minutes away from selling products and services online seamlessly. It accepts recurring or one-off payments in 100+ currencies. 


Key takeaways

The Best Email Marketing Software + Sure-Fire Email Marketing Strategy = Magic

You can now easily choose the best email marketing platform that aligns with your company goals and email marketing needs. Add to it proven marketing tricks, and you'll be many steps ahead of your competitors. Download our email marketing best practices guide now!

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