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Mastering the Digital Game: 6 Proven Social Media Marketing Strategies


Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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6 Proven Social Media Marketing Strategies | Eternal Works Blog

The world has transformed into a digital landscape where the internet is an integral part of our lives. One of the most significant aspects of this digital transformation is social media, which has become a ubiquitous platform that connects people from all over the world. Social media platforms provide companies with a golden opportunity to reach out to their target audience, demonstrate their expertise, and build their brand reputation. In this era of digital transformation, it's critical to build a social media marketing strategy that aligns with your company's goals and objectives.

Companies looking to grow must showcase their expertise to stand out in today's competitive market. Have you ever wondered how people are searching for information about your company online? Social media is one of the most powerful ways to share your story with your target audience. By maintaining active social media channels, your company's brand name and values will pop up in the search results when people search for you on Google.

In this blog, we will explore six social media marketing strategies that can help your company demolish the competition and grow your business rapidly. If you're new to social media marketing, don't worry. We've got you covered! With a clearer understanding of the bigger picture, you'll be on your way to building a compelling social media presence that will get your potential clients talking.


80/20 Rule: The Content Strategy

The 80/20 rule of content strategy for social media marketing suggests that a business should provide valuable and informative content 80% of the time, while the remaining 20% can be used to promote products and/or services. You can apply this strategy to their advantage. To ensure the creation of high-quality content, it is essential to provide a proper balance of educational and promotional material. This approach is effective because it encourages companies to create content that engages their audience while also helping them, without appearing overly "salesy."

By showcasing their expertise while still promoting their products or services in a well-balanced manner, businesses can capture and retain their audience's attention and demonstrate how their offerings can benefit their customers.


Engage Your Audience with Videos

Videos are essential marketing tools on social media today. Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are rich in video content, and your company needs to take advantage of these platforms to communicate with your audience.  Companies can use videos to showcase their expertise, demonstrate their products and/or services, and provide valuable insights into their brand and industry.

Videos provide an engaging way of reaching and creating brand awareness amongst your audience. They are great for building brand identity and presenting a company's culture, and values. With many people watching videos on social media platforms, video content provides a reliable way to reach their target audience in a way that resonates with their viewing habits.

Videos are also more capable of capturing attention than static text or images. When done effectively, they can easily engage an audience with the content being shared. Therefore, it is important for companies to develop and implement video marketing strategies that align well with their brand and objectives to enhance their online visibility.


Employee-Authored Posts

One effective way to engage with your target audience on social media is to have employees write posts. By doing so, it provides an added level of transparency and authenticity to the customers, who can get a better sense of the company's culture and values. This strategy helps build trust between you and your target audience, as readers can feel a personal connection to the company.

Having employees write posts also showcases both your overall expertise and industry knowledge. By allowing employees to write and share thought-provoking articles and posts, they can demonstrate their thought leadership in a particular area. This, in turn, can instill confidence in readers who know that your company has a deep understanding of their industry and the evolving trends.


Sharing Industry Insights

To stay ahead of the competition, you have to stay up-to-date on the latest technology developments, upcoming events, and other important topics. By doing so, you can provide valuable information to your prospects and customers that they would not be able to get elsewhere. This can include industry insights, tips and tricks, and updates on the latest trends.

Sharing industry trends and insights will help differentiate your company from the competition as it shows that you care about the industry and are dedicated to providing the best possible service. It also provides potential clients with a reason to choose your company over competitors that do not share industry insights. Companies that stay on top of the latest trends can provide their customers with valuable information that will help them make better-informed decisions.


Collaboration with Industry Partners for Referrals

One of the most effective ways to expand your presence on social media is through collaborations with industry partners for referrals. Through their expertise and industry contacts, these partners can introduce your company to potential clients that may not have been accessible otherwise.

Referrals on social media are an excellent way to expand your reach quickly. By collaborating with other businesses, you can access a broader network of potential clients, boost your credibility, and gain a competitive edge.

Collaborating with industry partners not only increases your visibility but can also result in sharing resources. As a result, this may bring in targeted clients who are genuinely interested in the services your company offers. Networking with other market leaders creates a win-win situation where both parties enjoy mutual benefits, including client referrals, shared resources, and potentially new client opportunities. It is a worthwhile investment to strategically partner up with the right collaborators.


Use Stories to Spice up Your Content

Sharing stories is an effective way to spice up your content on social media. Telling real-life stories of how your projects solved significant problems in the community or the industry can provide viewers with a firsthand look at the value you provide and the success you've achieved. By sharing individual stories in your social media posts, you can create a compelling narrative around your business, promote your brand values, and showcase your expertise.

Stories also provide an opportunity to highlight any challenges encountered during a project and how these difficulties were overcome. These authentic stories show that your company isn't just about building sophisticated technologies, but they also make a significant impact on communities and individuals' lives.

Be sure to include pictures and videos in your stories, as these visuals help to provide context and humanize your brand, prompting your audience to engage more with your content. Stories can make your social media content less technical and formal, making it more engaging and relatable. Overall, leveraging stories can help you create a unique and authentic brand voice that resonates with your audience.


Key Takeaways

Social media marketing is an essential tool for companies to stay competitive in today's market. Potential clients have high expectations. Thus, showcasing your culture, values, and competence by engaging with customers on social media is imperative.

If you're not sure where to start, we can help. ;) 

If your company is already active on social but needs some assistance with using hashtags, check out our guide.