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Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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There are several ways to develop a custom website.  Whether you're starting from scratch or redesigning an existing site; this blog will provide insight into the different options.  With all the decisions you have to make during the process, the following information will guide you during the initial planning stages of the web design process.

For simplicity, we are narrowing web design choices into four options.  These options are:
1. Modifying your existing website.
2. Building from a template.
3. Redesigning your current website.
4. Building a custom website from the ground up.

The options are in order of the most cost-effective to the most value, respectively.  

Modifying Your Existing Site

Web----Under-Construction link to Tips in Web Design, Website Redesign ConsultYou may be pleased with your current website, but it is not yielding result, it is dated, or needs a minor upgrade. In cases when there is an excellent web design requiring a few changes, user interface testing (UI testing) is recommended. UI testing is used to verify all the different components integrated into your website are functioning correctly in before adding the requested modification(s).

In many cases, upgrades or modifications with an existing website are not as labor-intensive and require fewer programming hours.  When websites are on platforms like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc., changes are generally seamless; this is why modifying a site tends to be the most cost-effective.  There could be times when a website has custom coding, and it may take longer to decipher the original programmer's work. However, even with the unknown Eternal Works can perform modifications to meet any budget. 

Building from a Template

Web page layout templates are a great way to save on cost. These pre-coded layouts can reduce the price of a web design project by up to 50%. Templates will cut down on design time, and working closely with your web designer to select the layout that best fits your needs will reduce programming hours too. Keep in mind, the total required functionality of the website/page will impact the cost.

Web page layout templates have been available for years. They are visually aesthetic, easy to navigate and responsive. Responsive meaning, they are easily viewed on monitors, laptops, smartphones, or tablets. The web has also grown so much that it is not too often that you will come across another company using the same template.

Redesigning Your Existing Site

Link to Free web design consultation; Inbound Marketing, SEO, CRO, Conversion Rate Optimization, Web Design Tips, Redesigning an existing website will be more involved.  A simple website redesign may just be changing out graphics to give the site a fresh look, while all the content, pages, and functionality remain the same. On the other side of the coin, a redesign can nearly be like developing a new site; especially today, with all of the various frameworks, content management system (CMS) platforms, and responsive design. 

Being that these projects can range from minor upgrades and additions to mapping out a completely new user experience (UX). Eternal Works prefers to discuss the goals of our clients to create a digital strategy that best fits the organization's needs.  Performing a complete analysis of your goals and expectations will clarify the level of work required and the best course of action to address your needs.

Building a Custom Site

Build a Custom Site Link to Web Design page Growth Driven Design, GDDBuilding a custom website will assure the entire site is unique to your brand; no other company's website will look like yours. Custom websites are designed to operate on existing CMS's like WordPress or frameworks like Zend. Custom websites are programmed to function on various platforms while tailoring the design and cascading style sheets (CSS) to your branding specifications. 

A custom-built site will be a clear representation of your organization's brand, and it will require a discovery session, research & analysis, and a written strategy.  Thoroughly strategizing around your brand and web presence is critical and may be revisited a few times during a custom build. In turn, building custom sites can range from 60 hours to several hundred hours.

Before You Being Development

 At Eternal Works, our goal is always to give you the best product no matter the budget, industry, or organization.  Remember, websites that incorporate digital marketing strategies will yield the best results. Here are a few interesting facts to support having a carefully planned digital strategy before you begin your next website project:

  1. Ninety-four percent of negative website feedback is due to the design of the site. (John Karmer, 2019)
  2. Two out of three people prefer viewing content that is appealing visually. (techjury, 2019
  3.  88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience
  4.  Consumers base 75% of a company's credibility is on its website design. (PARQA, 2019)

If you are launching your first website or upgrading an existing site; being well informed and weighing all options carefully is vital to your success. We will be happy to guide you through the process. You can read our blog, "Web Design Made Simple" and learn everything we know about web design or contact us; we are looking forward to speaking with you.


Link to Website Buying Guide: Tips in Web Design, Inbound Marketing