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Picture of Kimberlie Williams
Written by Kimberlie Williams
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The decision to outsource marketing is one that all companies must weigh heavily. Each industry comes with its own unique set of concerns and advantages and the technology industry is no different. The choice on whether to continue in-house or outsource marketing operations comes down to being aware of what your business needs to grow and also what is challenging that growth.


1. Your Business Needs Stronger Marketing Expertise

If your tech company needs help with generating traffic, acquiring customers, and expanding your business, then this probably applies to you. Marketing specialists understand how to roll out a strong marketing campaign that draws in your ideal customer with strong SEO tactics. They specialize in building on that interaction by creating a relationship with customers through social media and email in a way that facilitates brand loyalty.

Marketing consultants also hold an innate understanding that different approaches will be necessary for different people. Everyone has different personality types, challenges, and goals in life, which is why the right approach can make all the difference in their customer experience. Marketing specialists also understand how to navigate social, political, and economic environments in a way that minimizes risk while maximizing opportunities for your software. Knowing how to use marketing automation software isn’t enough, it’s about understanding how to use it to help you grow and improve your business that is key.


2. Less Software to Keep Up With

Technology experts know more than anyone that the current standard of software and techniques can change in an instant. Constantly having to stay on top of the every new release on your roster can get tiresome, and marketing experts would be more than willing to reduce some of that burden. In fact, marketing agencies have to stay on top of the latest marketing technological trends and advancements to maintain their own competitive advantage.

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3. Save Time and Money

Hiring a marketing team will cost far less for your business than shuffling the responsibility to your own employees, all the while yielding stronger results. This will be particularly useful during periods of heavy workloads when every employee will need to be on deck to make sure a new system is integrated seamlessly. When marketing specialists take over this responsibility, it allows your company to focus even more on time-sensitive activities.

Marketing teams can cover web development and graphic design, social media, content creation, advertising, videos, and SEO optimization. Marketing agencies will also save you time and money on your budgeting process. Many of their detailed reports and metrics will keep you up-to-date with your business performance and show you where your resources may or may not need to be redirected.

4. Another Perspective On Your Approach

There are times when your IT business could become so focused that it loses sight of potential opportunities or possible pitfalls their company may face. Both IT and marketing professionals are highly creative people. Marketing professionals have familiarized themselves with many different industries, which has given them many different perspectives that could offer just the unbiased, fresh thinking your company needs.

The bottom line is if you need help with expanding your tech business while cutting both cost and work hours, a marketing team may be for you.