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Pointing vs. Forwarding vs. Redirecting Domain Names: Which Is Right for Your Business?


Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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Pointing vs. Forwarding vs. Redirecting Domain Names: Which Is Right for Your Business?

If you are a business owner or are looking to build a website, choosing a domain name is an important step. Not only does your domain name represent your business, but it also plays a critical role in your website's functionality. One question you may have when setting up your domain name is whether to point, forward, or redirect it.

In this blog post, we will delve into the differences to help you make an informed decision that is best for your business needs. Here are some additional details to consider when deciding how to connect your domain name.


Domain Name: The Basics

First, it's important to understand what a domain name is. In simple terms, a domain name is the address of your website on the internet. For example, our website domain name is https://www.eternalworks.com. When you type that into the address bar of your web browser, it takes you directly to our website.



Pointing a domain name refers to directing your domain name to a specific IP address where your website is hosted. This means that your domain name servers (DNS) will be pointing directly to your website's hosting provider. When someone types your domain name into their browser, the DNS server will direct them to the IP address of where your website is located. This is the most common method used to connect a domain name to a website.

When you point a domain name, it can take up to 72 hours for the change to propagate. This is because DNS servers need time to update their records. However, once the change is complete, visitors should be able to access your website quickly and easily.



Forwarding a domain name, on the other hand, refers to forwarding traffic from one domain name to another. This means that when someone types in your domain name, they will ultimately be redirected to another website or domain name. This method is commonly used when businesses have multiple domain names and want them all to point to the same website.

One benefit of forwarding your domain name is that you can create a custom domain name for your business. For example, if your business is called ABC Solutions, you could choose a domain name like abc-solutions.com or abc-great-results.com. This can help to strengthen your brand identity and make it easier for customers to find you online.



Redirecting your domain name is a useful tool if you need to change your website's URL. For example, if your business has a new name or focus, you may need to change your URL to reflect this. By redirecting your domain name, you can ensure that any visitors who still use your old URL will still be able to access your website.

Redirecting a domain name is similar to forwarding, but it involves redirecting your website visitors from one website URL to another. This method is commonly used when a website owner has changed the URL or web address of their website and wants to ensure that their visitors are redirected to the new address.


Thoughts for Consideration

When you set up a domain name, it's important to choose a trustworthy domain registrar. There are many to choose from, but be sure to do your research and choose a reliable company with a good reputation. This can help to ensure that your domain name is secure and that your website is always accessible to your visitors.

So, which method should you choose? It really depends on what you want to achieve with your domain name. If you have a website and need to connect your domain name to your hosting provider, then pointing your domain name is the best option. If you have multiple domain names that you want to point to the same website, then forwarding is the way to go. Finally, if you have changed the URL of your website and want to ensure that your visitors are redirected to the new address, then you should choose to redirect your domain name.


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Find the Right Fit

Choosing how to connect your domain name to your website is a crucial decision for any business owner. By understanding the differences between pointing, forwarding, and redirecting, you can make an informed choice that is best for your business. Remember to choose a trustworthy domain registrar, and always keep your website's functionality in mind when making any changes to your domain name.

In conclusion, choosing the right method to connect your domain name to your website can make all the difference in the success of your website. By understanding the differences between pointing, forwarding, and redirecting your domain name, you can make an informed decision that is best for your business needs.