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Why Is Your IT Business Losing Customers? [4 reasons with solutions]

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Picture of Kimberlie Williams
Written by Kimberlie Williams
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Marketing a small business can be difficult and costly. However, a large portion of the cost is spent on getting new clients, as keeping existing customers is significantly less expensive. As a business owner on a budget, it makes financial sense to spend time and energy on client retention techniques rather than waging the continual battle to replace old clients with new ones. Keep in mind that many businesses of all sizes lose a significant number of customers each year.

Whether you like it or not, your IT business will lose customers as well, because it is part of the business landscape. Therefore, it's important to explore better strategies to retain your customers. But first and foremost, why do IT businesses lose customers? What makes customers depart even well-known IT businesses and purchase goods or services from competitors?


Poor Customer Service

Customer complaints can be difficult to handle, but they will occur. Poor customer service is one of the fastest ways to ruin a customer's experience. Your customer service team is a customer's first point of contact with your business. Many clients who are displeased with your customer service experience, instead of informing you about what's wrong and how you can fix it, will simply not return. So, if you're not paying close attention to your customer-service policy and performance, you could lose customers as a result.

So, to get started on your retention strategy, think about how you might improve your complaint response strategy. You can set up a support-focused account on your IT business social networks such as Twitter. This account should be made available to the public to assist customers in contacting your customer care support team to resolve issues swiftly. 

You should also strive to establish a mechanism for tracking complaints, as it is widely known that many dissatisfied customers will remain quiet. You might get a second opportunity if you can contact them before they leave home and reflect on the experience. Just because a client doesn't report a negative experience doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Also, there's a good chance they'll tell others in their social circles about it. That implies your customer base may drop, and you may lose more than one customer as a result of a bad experience.

You can consider other ways of providing attentive, good customer service. For instance, begin by doing an internal audit of your team's policies. Conduct interviews with customer-service representatives and supervisors. Examine what policies at the organization have resulted in customer frustration and what internal challenges are hindering your customer care deck from providing prompt and good customer service. This type of information can assist you in improving your customer service efforts. Then remember these three main customer service norms:

  • Respond as soon as possible. Recognize when you've made a mistake and correct it.
  • Show love and empathy to the customer.
  • Assist your customer service team. Give your customer care team the tools they need to give outstanding support to your customers. This involves technological infrastructure like fast internet, high-performing computers and servers, and the freedom to make decisions that benefit your company and help your customers.


Poor Quality Products or Services

Do you provide high-quality IT assistance? Do your computers or network seem to be lagging? Unhappy customers are prone to vent their frustrations on social networks. They will leave negative reviews for other potential customers to read. What can you do to help?

Offer high-quality computer-related products or top-notch repair and maintenance services. Don't expect marketing trickery or any other business tricks to cover a poor product or poorly performed service. As a result, hire trained and skilled IT experts to help you run your business. Also, before selling a computer-related product, provide an efficient IT support service to your customer. Test it. Always make changes to your service or product in response to client feedback. Finally, let your customers see the value of their money on your products or services.


You Do Not Value Your Customers

A customer pays the price but expects value in return in all businesses. Every client has a lifetime value. If they only buy one item from your store, for example, that figure will be insignificant. However, if you continue to receive repeat business from that person for a few weeks, months, and years, it is easy to see the worth of retaining them. It will also give you a good idea of how much you can invest in keeping them while still making a profit.

Do you want your customers to feel more appreciated? On your platform, you can provide them with a location to save their data. You can provide a storage option like an external hard drive to serve as a backup for their files at no extra charge if they subscribe to your monthly services like network security and data management. This incentive will add additional protection to their files as they will store data in different areas apart from their main storage devices.

Alternatively, determine your unique cost structure. What immense value do you provide to your customers that other businesses do not? Explain clearly your unique value proposition across all platforms. Publicize the benefits of your product or IT support services on the home page of your website. Teach your customer service and sales representatives about them so they can clarify things about the value included in your sale prices. For each offer, include your unique value proposition on your landing page.


Not Providing Aftersales Services or Outdated Aftersales Services

Aftersales is a good way to get more from each customer while also maintaining that crucial relationship. Closing the sale should be viewed as the first step toward increasing sales and client retention. You set the foundation for recurring business and a long-term relationship with your customers by following up after the transaction. This applies to both one-time and recurring sales customers.

Inquire about your customers' birthdays and anniversaries, especially those who subscribe to your monthly services like data management, so you can send them cards later. This is a useful aspect of staying in touch with them. Do you have any idea why? You remind them that you exist and that you have IT resources to assist them in the future. Aftersales services will provide you with many more opportunities than simply developing a positive relationship with them.



Customer retention is important for every business. But are you losing your customers? It's time to examine why your IT business is losing them and what you can do to remedy the situation. We, Eternal Works, value businesses because they are the foundation of our company. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you find the best solution for your business.

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